Remember The Milk is a proprietary software task- and time-management web application. It allows users to manage tasks from any computer as well as offline.
Remember the Milk features the capability to manage tasks while offline. This feature is built upon the Gears software (formerly Google Gears). When a user reconnects to the internet their Remember the Milk account is updated to include offline changes. Events are stored online, so in the case of a user's hard drive failure, no data is lost. The application supports publishing one's tasks as an RSS news feed. It can exportiCalendar files (.ics). Multiple task categories can be added and shared, allowing various levels of permissions for the users. This enables collaboration and sharing of schedules between groups or families. It's no wonder the majority of Lifehacker readersvoted Remember the Milk the best web-based task manager out there. Remember the Milk's got all the best features modern webapps have to offer:email/SMS/IM integration, tagging, advanced search, keyboard shortcuts and even offline access with Google Gears. Chances are you work across several computers and need a single, always-accessible place to consolidate your work, personal, school, and family to-do's. Remember the Milk is a great way to do just that. Let's take a closer look at Remember the Milk's basic and more advanced features. In the Tasks view, the tab labels switch to categories, by default: "Inbox," "Personal," "Study," "Work," and "Sent." (Yes, "Inbox" and "Sent" are initially confusing and not exactly intuitive "categories," more on those in a moment.) RTM automatically includes a starting task in your "Personal" list due today called "Try out Remember the Milk." It's colored orange because it's marked as high priority. To add your own new task to your "Personal" list, click on "Add Task" (or simply hit the T key) and type in a description, as shown. Hit Enter to save the new task in your list. Once you do, on the right hand side, a task box will contain editable details about that task. There you can set when it's due, whether or not it repeats, about how long it will take, and any associated web site addresses. You can even click on the "Notes" tab and add more freehand text information about the task (like directions to the salon or which stylist to request.) A simple task like calling the salon to schedule an appointment for a haircut probably doesn't need too many more details, but more complex tasks—or tasks you'll share with other users who may need more direction—are when you'll most likely use the notes and URL fields. To add a new list, click on the "Add List" link. The right RTM lists you create and manage depend entirely on your life, businesses, and current projects. I deleted the "Study" list, and added "Web Site," "Book," and "Home Improvement" lists to RTM, as shown. Note: You'll notice that the "Inbox" and "Sent" lists have lock icons next to them. That's because they're permanent lists that serve a special purpose: to act much like email does. The "Inbox" contains tasks that you've emailed or added to RTM without specifying a list, or that other users have sent you. The "Sent" list contains tasks you've sent to other RTM users, like your coworker or spouse.In addition to categorizing your tasks into tabbed lists, you can also slice and dice task lists down further using tags. In the Tasks view, select any task from any list and in the details box on the right hand side, click on "Tags" to enter keywords for a task. For example, you may tag the tasks on your "Home Improvement" list by room, as shown. Once you've tagged your tasks, you can easily view the list of home improvement items for the garage, or for the patio, or for the home office, for example. Warning: It's easy to waste time organizing your tasks in a rich application like RTM, which has lots of ways to categorize and input information about something. Remember: our purpose here is to actually get things done, not build a perfectly-organized list. Use only the tags, fields and lists that will help you, not just satisfy some innate desire to perfect a complex categorization system. RTM supports several instant messenger networks for IM reminders, including AIM, Google Talk, ICQ, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, Jabber and Skype. To receive text message reminders on your cell phone, use the dropdown to select your cell phone service and add your mobile number. Note: Make sure RTM knows what time zone you're in so you receive reminders when you expect. In the Settings area, select the "General" tab and make sure your time zone is correctly listed there.Offline access
Managing Tasks
After you've registered for a free account at Remember the Milk (RTM) and log in, the homepage displays tasks in three tabs based on when they're due: today, tomorrow, and overdue. Click on the "Continue to Tasks" button on the upper right to start managing those tasks. Prioritizing tasks
You can also prioritize tasks so that more important items show up at the top of the list in a particular color. To do so, select a task and hit the number 1, 2 or 3 key to assign priority. To remove already-assigned priority, hit the number 4 key. Completing tasks
Now that you've added a task with details, you've officially completed your "Try out Remember the Milk" task. To mark it as complete, select the checkbox next to it, de-select any other tasks, and click the "Complete" button. It will disappear from your list. It's not gone forever, though. You can always see completed tasks for any list in the "List" box in the right sidebar. Click on the "1 completed" link to view the "Try out Remember the Milk" task. Managing Lists and Tags
As you add your to-do's to RTM, you may find that you don't use the lists it's set up for you ("Personal," "Study," "Work.") For example, if you're not in school, you don't need the "Study" list. But you can delete that list and add other lists that do apply to you. To do so, click on the Settings link on the top right of any page in RTM, and then click on the "Lists" tab. Here you can select any list to delete it, archive it, or set it as your default. Setting Task Reminders
Searching tasks
Quickly search for tasks from RTM's search box, located on the upper right hand side of any RTM screen. (You can use the Ctrl+Shift+/ keyboard shortcut to move your cursor into the search box without reaching for the mouse, too.) By default RTM only searches the main task line of currently undone tasks across all lists, not notes, completed or archived tasks. To extend your search (or narrow it by date or list), click on the "Show search options" link, which offers several input fields for narrowing your search results, as shown. Advanced Search Operators
You can also do a complex search in RTM from the single search box using advanced operators. For example, to search for the word "salon" in your "Personal" list, enter list:personal salon into the search box. Other useful advanced search operators include:
Here's the full list of available advanced search operators. Save Searches in "Smart Lists"
If you do particular searches often, you can save those searches into "Smart Lists" for quick access to those search results. For instance, to save a list of "quick tasks"—items that will take 20 minutes or less to complete, run a search for less than 20 minute tasks (enter timeEstimate:"< 20 minutes" into RTM's search box.) On the right hand side, click on the "Save" tab to make this search a Smart List. There you can name your Smart List—I called the less than 20 minutes to complete list "Quick Tasks"—and save it. From there, the "Quick Tasks" Smart List will appear below all lists, and show you a subset of tasks that you can complete in less than 20 minutes. Here are some useful suggested Smart Lists. More RTM Techniques
More useful Remember the Milk features include:
. (Substitute your.username with your RTM name in the URL.) Available from RTM's default homepage (click the "Weekly Planner" link), this page gives you a week's worth of tasks with priority and list information and large checkboxes ready for you to X off with your pen. Similarly, on any given list in RTM use the "Print" link in the List box on the right hand side to print out all the items on that list.
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